Consulting & Training


What is Biofloc?

You need to first understand what is Biofloc, it is a macro aggregate that contains protein-rich organic material that is used as a source of food for the fishes and it also removes harmful ammonia gases from the system to provide optimum water conditions for aquatic animals.

Biofloc Technology is an advanced fish and shrimp farming technique researched by Professor Yoram Avnimelech (Isreal Scientist) to provide optimum water conditions for the aquatic animals by maintaining the required Carbon Nitrogen Ratio (CN Ratio). Professor Yoram Avnimelech is known as the Father of BioFloc.

This new technology has recently gained attention as a sustainable process to control water quality to culture high-density fish farming.

What Biofloc does?

Biofloc Technology has many advantages over the traditional way of doing fish or shrimp farming. It provides a controlled environment for fish and shrimp farming. Here are few benefits of adapting Biofloc Technology;

  • High-Density Fish Farming
  • Low FCR (Feed Conversation Ratio)
  • Controllers Ammonia
  • Zero or Minimal Water Exchange

These are the main reasons to adopt Biofloc Technology. The main point that grabs the attention of the people, is the High-Density Fish Farming is now possible using the new technology. Yes, you heard me right, within a 15 x 15 square feet area you can culture 2000-3000 fishes, which is quite impossible in small ponds.

It’s lower down the Feed Cost as it develops FLOC, which is a protein and fishes take it as a food. Also, it converts undigested feeds into FLOC, which is consumed by the fishes or shrimps. Feed wastage is completed managed by this technology. That’s the reason Biofloc helps to cut down the feed cost by at least 25-30%.

High-Protein Feed and Feed Excreta produce harmful ammonia gas inside the water and excess generation of ammonia gases can kill the fishes. In Biofloc Technology, it uses Heterotrophic Bacteria to control the ammonia and convert undigested feed waste into microbial protein cells. In the Ammonia Assimilation process, harmful Ammonia is completely removed from the water and provides a healthy environment for fishes and shrimps.

How does Biofloc work?

As I said earlier, Biofloc is a macro aggregate that controls the system. Biofloc system is controlled by the colony of bacterias that helps to remove harmful ammonia from the system. Mostly in Biofloc System Heterotrophic Bacteria i.e. Bacillus Group of Bacteria used but there is also another process called Nitrification Process is a biological process of breaking down Ammonia into Nitrate. Let’s discuss how the Nitrification Process work;

When we give Nitrogenous sources into the pond, in the form of Feed or Fish Excreta, it decomposes and produces organic sludges on the bottom of the pond. These organic sludges produce toxic ammonia gases, which is harmful to the fishes.

In Biofloc System, mostly people use Heterotrophic Bacteria i.e. Bacillus Group Of Bacteria. These bacteria with Ammonia Assimilation Process remove Ammonia from Biofloc water and also convert undigested feed into micro-bacterial proteins. These micro-bacterial proteins are known as FLOCS and it’s again consumed by fishes. These bacteria help to lower down FCR.

How to Start a Biofloc Fish Farming

If you have a good understanding of Biofloc Technology but still you need to acquire some knowledge understanding the required Biofloc Tools and Ingredients.

So far you understood that we need to introduce some helpful bacterias into the system to provide the optimum water condition for fish farming. These bacterias come in packaged powder form, called “Probiotics“. Nowadays it’s easily available in popular online stores like Amazon.

Biofloc Water Preparation Process

  • The Fish Tank & Air Stones are well sanitized with KMNO4 Solution
  • Ensure Water shouldn’t contain IRON, Heavy Metals, and Chlorin because its harmful for fishes
  • Use CaCO3 or Dolomite to maintain an optimum pH level of the water i.e. pH7 to pH8
  • Ensure Water has all the required Minerals in it
  • Ensure Air Pump provides required Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the water i.e. DO 4+ is good

Once you qualify the above conditions, the next step is to introduce fishes into the Biofloc Tank after sanitizing the fishes in the KMNO4 Solution. Don’t feed fishes for the next 12-24 hours because the fish feed will produce ammonia and till now our system is not ready to control the ammonia.
